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What Does Marijuana Stimulate In the Body

Like other drugs, THC and cannabis bud trimmer toronto stimulates the brain to release dopamine. Dopamine then activates a part of the brain that is responsible for a sense of satisfaction. After the initial euphoria, a feeling of drowsiness or depression develops. Other symptoms THC causes are laughter, altered perception of time and increased appetite. Some may cause anxiety, a feeling of fear, distrust or panic, and in larger doses and an acute psychotic reaction. The consequences of consuming marijuana last after marijuana is broken down into the body and manifest as memory difficulties and reduced learning ability and sleep disorder.

Long-term consequences (due to cumulative or chronic abuse) are addiction, chronic cough and bronchitis, an increased risk of developing schizophrenia and other psychosis, or a worsening of symptoms in people with an already developed psychosis, an increased risk of developing suicidal ideation and attempts, developing anxiety, depression and amotivation syndrome. Often and regular taking of marijuana causes neglect in school and at home, weakening school performance, neglecting looks. Such users can also experience the so-called “holes in memory”. The person cannot remember what happened yesterday, which she just wanted to say and so on. In pregnancy marijuana can significantly affect the growth and development of yet unborn child. Interesting is the fact that in countries where marijuana use is legal, children and young people have increased the risk of acute respiratory problems and accidents caused by overdose.

Although we are often confused by the controversial conclusions of various research, saying that smoking marijuana does not carry the risk means ignoring reality. Consuming marijuana affects the development of the brain and when it is consumed in a significant amount from an early age, damage to memory and thinking can have long-lasting consequences. It is interesting to note that even organizations – advocates of marijuana in the United States, also agree with the assertion that young people should not have access to this drug, which, like other drugs, affects brain functions. Young people are still in the stage of growth, learning, physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual development, and each drug affects this development in a negative way. This claim is agreed even with the Organization for the Recall of Marijuana Law, one of the strongest organizations of advocates of marijuana consumption in the United States, which also says: “Marijuana is not for young people.”

No one died of marijuana

The third myth or misconception is “No one died of marijuana”. Marijuana has a potentially damaging effect on the abilities and skills necessary for safe driving (e.g., fear, concentration, coordination of movement, reaction rate, distance estimation, etc.), and harmful effects last up to 24 hours after consumption. As it damages the balance and coordination, short-term memory and attention with reduced critical judgment increases the likelihood of risky behavior and statistically significantly increases the risk of traffic accidents. While there are still different effects of marijuana in the research phase, a statistically significant link between marijuana consumption and traffic accidents, as well as those with fatal outcome, is undoubtedly confirmed.

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